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SKU: S0021
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ana::tool identifies unknown and unusual conditions and enables operators to react in a timely manner to faults in the monitored system, determines normality of this data and triggers an alarm when a significant deviation from the norm is detected.

  • best available Event Detection System
  • affordable for everyone
  • simple, easy to use and automatic
  • unmatched event detection tools based on proven algorithms for real-time event detection that use data streams from all connected probes separately and in combination
  • ana::tool is optimized for use of multi-dimensional spectral data, but will also work with singlr or multiple one-dimensional inputs
  • applies a variety of algorithms during real-time analysis of data and automatically weight the results as appropriate. So far the only one commercial software package that was tested and found suitable by US-EPA water security division
  • trains itsel on any type of data streams coming in, and will learn automatically which data are useful for event detection, and which ones not
  • confrigurable auto-correction of data based on threshold, outlier and noise analysis